Plant Reproduction


Image result for plant reproduction diagram ks3Stamens are the male part of the flower and consist of the anther and the filament. The anther contains pollen grains, which produce male sex cells. The filament supports the plant.

Carpels are the female part of the plant. These include the stigma, style, and ovary. The ovary contains the female sex cells inside ovules.

Petals are often colourful to attract insects and they need to attract insects for pollination.

Sepals are green and leaf like. They protect the flower in the bud. They're found below the main petals.

To make the seed the male and female sex cells must meet up. To do this the pollen grains must get from the stamen to a stigma. This happens in two ways.

1. Self pollination - Pollen is transported away from stamen to stigma of the same plant.

2. Cross pollination - Pollen is transported from the stamen of one plant to the stigma of a different plant. This involves.

Insect pollination

Petals attract insect, insect gets pollen as sugary liquid tha it feeds on. The pollen gets stuck to it as it leaves to fnd another plant and therefore transports it to the stigma of a different plant.


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