Planet earth


Planet Earth 

How was the Earth created?

In the book Genisis  it says God created the Earth and everything in it in 6 days. On the 7th he rested. 

Day 1 - light 

Day 2 - skies

Day 3 - land , sea and plants 

Day 4 - sun , stars and moon 

Day 5- sea creatures and birds 

Day 6 - Land creatures and humans 

Day 7- rested 

is this the truth?

> it could have been an accident 

> the big bang theory 

> if god created everything who created God?


Examples of polution:

  • oil spills 
  • litter
  • waste
  • greenhouse gasses 
  • acid rain 
  • vehical polution 

Religious attitudes towards polution: 

  • ruins the enviroment 
  • kills wildlife and harms humans 
  • future generations ( not sustainable)
  • stweardship
  • ruin Gods creation 

why are religious belivers agains the destruction of natural habitats? eg deforistation 

> loss of natural habitat 

> extinction of animals and plants 

> climate change 

>  less oxygen / more CO2

> more natural disasters such as floods and droughts 

>  we are stweards and should look after Gods world 

> sustain for future generations 

how has Global Warming effected the planet ?

  • climate change 
  • flooding 
  • rising sea levels 

how do modern life styles harm the planet?

  • carbon footprint / carbon emmisions 
  • deforestation 
  • using focil fules 
  • fertillisers 

religious attitudes to global warming:

> the world is a gift to all humans 

>  we are resposnible stweardship

>  fredom of how we look after it ( dominion)

>  Global warming is a sign of sinfulness and greed. In Noah’s Ark story, humans were punished for their evil/greed, as God sends huge flood 

how can religious belivers help global warming?  

  • reduce carbon footprint 
  • reduce reuse recyle 
  • prey 
  • petitions 

what are the religious attitudes towards recycling?

~ materials are reused

~ natural resources are not wasted

~ it shows good stewardship 

~ it preserves the planet…


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