physics, Static Electricity

  • Created by: leah
  • Created on: 17-06-13 12:09

Objects can be positively charged, negatively charged or neutral 

conductor's like metals allow an electric charge pass through them on the other hand insulators like plastics do not. substances that gain electrons become negatively charged and ones that lose electrons become positively charged.A neutral atom is when there are the same number of positive and negative charges 

when a charged object comes near another object they will either attract of repel, like charges replel and unlike charges attract but if one if charged and the other is not then they will attract

when an acetate rod is rubbed with a duster, electrns are transfered from the rod onto the duster, making the rod positivley charged 

Electrostatic shocks 

you can get an electric shock if you are electrically charged and you touch something thats earthed or you are earthed and touch something that is charged 

You can tell if an insulator is charged

if a plastic rod is rubbed with a duster it attracts small pieces of paper or when a balloon is rubbed against a jumper it can stick to a wall some dusters are designed to become charged so they attract dust 

static can be dangerous when there are flammable gases or vapours or a high concentration of oxygen a spark could ignite the gases and there could be an explosion 

if you touch something with a large electric charge on it and the charge will flow though your body which could cause burns or even stop your heart 

the chance of recieving an electric shock can be reduced if an object might become charged is connected to the earth by an earth wire so any charge immediatly flows down the earth wire also in a


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