Physics - P5 Notes

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 27-06-18 14:10

Forces and Work Done

  • Vector quantities have a magnitude and a direction but scalar quantities only have magnitude and no direction
  • Time is a scalar quantity
  • Contact forces are ones that have to be touching by non-contact forces don't need to be touching
  • Mass is the amount of 'stuff' in an object and weight is the force acting on an object due to gravity
  • weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg)
  • Earth's gravitational field strength = 9.8N/kg
  • A free body diagram shows all the forces acting on an isolated object or a system
  • A resultant force is when a force moves an object through a distance, energy is transferred and work is done on the object
  • work done = force x distance (moved along the line of the force)
  • 1Nm is equal to 1 joule of work
  • The forces on an object in equilibrium combine to give a resultant force of zero


  • Elastic deformity means the object can go back to its original shape but inelastic deformity means they can't
  • Force (N) = spring constant (N/m) x extension (m)
  • The limit of proportionality is the…


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