Physics - P4 Notes

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 26-06-18 18:58

The Atomic Model

  • People used to believe that atoms were tiny spheres that couldn't be broken apart
  • Rutherford and Marsden's experiments which disproved the plum pudding model consisted of firing alpha particles through gold foil. The particles that were deflected meant that there was a concentrated mass in the centre but it was mostly just empty space
  • If an electron releases EM radiation, they move to a lower energy level that is closer to the nucleus
  • James Chadwick provided evidence to suggest the existence of the neutron
  • The nucleus makes up most of the mass of an atom
  • The overall charge of an atom is positive
  • If an atom loses one or more of its electrons it becomes positively charged

Nuclear Decay and Half-Life

  • The mass number defines what element an atom is
  • An atomic number is the number of protons and the…


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