Physics Notes



Electricity need to have something to make the cells follow and a complete circuit for the electricity to flow around.

Currunt - It is the flow of electrons around a circuit. The elctrons carry energy which they give to compontants (eg bulbs) in the circuit. In a simple series circiut, everything is connected in one loop.

Measuring Currunts - Currunt is the flow of elctrons which flow from the negative end of a battery to the positive end. The number of electrons that pass a point in a particular amount of time is measured in Amps (A) with an ammetre. Ammetres are connected in series' so all the electrons flow through them.

Resistence - All componants will try to resist electrical circuit (try to stop it flowing). Some componants are designed to resist the flow of currunt.

What is a watt - Power is a measure of the rate at which energy is transferred by a componant. It is measured in watts. For greater power, a larger voltage and/or a larger currunt is needed. POWER = CURRUNT x VOLTAGE. ( Electricity is billed by a unit : Elevtrical untit are a measure of energy, found by multiplying the power rating of the applience (in KW) by the time used (used in hours)

Cells - A battery is a source that stores chemical energy, but converts this to electrical energy when connected in a circuit. 

Types of energy - Kinetic (Movement Energy), Thermal (heat) energy, Light energy, Electrical energy, Sound energy, Nuclear energy, Gravitational potetial energy, Elastic Potential and Chemical…


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