Perspectives on Education

  • Functionalism 
    • Durkheim
      • Social solidarity - community spirit, feeling like one is a part of a larger system
      • Specialist skills - teaching knowledge and skills required for specialised work in the future
    • Parsons
      • Meritocracy - earning merits (achieving in school) allows an individual to be socially mobile and increase their status. Everyone in a meritocracy has an equal chance at social mobility 
    • Davis and Moore
      • Role allocation - the most important jobs in society (eg doctors, lawyers) are filled by the most suitable and intelligent individual 
      • inequality is functionally necessary to ensure this 
  • Marxism
    • Althusser - ideological state apparatus
      • Repressive state apparatus - bourgeois maintain power through force 
      • ideological state apparatus - bourgeois maintain power through controlling the beliefs and thoughts of the society
    • Bowles and Gintis
      • schools reward pupils for compliance and other traits seen as good in the world of work


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