Perspective on learning


Perspectives on education

Behaviourist: Underlying theory: Pavlov classical conditioning on dogs causing them to salivate when hearing a bell. They do this by presenting the food which causes the dog to salivate natural and the bell at the same time so the dog creates an association between the bell and the food. Also on the work of skinners operant conditioning, which is based around positive and negative reinforcements either through punishments or rewards.

Application: Programmed learning- Reinforcement, if a student is correct they can move on to the next question (postive reinforcement), If they student is incorrect they are given additional feedback to help them understand why their respond was wrong. 

Behaviour modification: Operant conditioning- rewards and punishments Rewards incluse: sticker charts, golden time and tokens. Puinshments include: detentions, isolation, phone calls home and suspension.


Underlying theory: Rogers based his ideas around student centered learning. He suggest that we are a product of experiences and that we have our own life pathways which makes us indivudal and different. We all have free will and we all need to self actualise.

Applications: Co-operative learning-This is a non competitive environement, where children are put into groups with around 6 other children. All their tasks must involve social inetraction, they are expected to share and co operate to complete tasks. Roles are assigned so that each individual is workign to their strengths and getting help for weaker areas.  The goal can only be achieved if all pupils are workign together. 

Open classroom: Is about indivdiual growth and goal setting where they student is always the most important. There is no set cirriculum as the ages vary so each person can


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