Patterns in properties (C1a) (Edexcel)


A Map of the Elements

  •  Approximately 116 different elements. 
  •  A chemical element is A substance made of only one type of atom. An element can't be turned into another element or anything simpler using a chemical reaction. 
  •  The chemical symbols for: ... are... 
    • Sodium: Na
    • Iron: Fe
    • Chlorine: Cl
    • Neon: Ne
  • Most elements are metals.
  • One advantage of using a chemical symbol instead of chemical names is it doesn't take as long to write an equation.
  • One disadvantage would be that the symbol doesn't always correspond to the name of the element e.g. Sn = Tin - This would make it hard to remember.
  • Chemical symbols have two letters rather than one because other wise there would be repeats because there are 116 elements but only 26 letters in the alphabet. 
  • Approximately 21/116 are non-metals. 
  • Group 1: Alkali Metals 
  • Group 2: Transition Metals
  • Group 0: Noble Gases 
  • Group 7: Halogens 

Uses of Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold

  • Metals have certain properties:
        • Shiny
        • Solid at room temperature (except for Mercury)
        • Good conductors of heat and electricity 
        • Malleable
        • Ductile
  • The chemical symbols for Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold are:
    •  Fe
    • Cu
    • Ag
    • Au
  • Iron (and most steels) would be a poor choice for making a water pipe because it rusts when in contact with air and water. This is known as corrosion and it damages the metal. 
  • Stainless steel contains chromium and other metals such as nickel. It resists corrosion, making it useful for kitchen sinks and cutlery.
  • Some steel object are often painted to stop them rusting. Razor blades…


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