Partial Pressures and Kp


Partial Pressure-

  • In a mixture of gases, each gas contributes to the total pressure.
  • The partial pressure of a gas in a mixture is the pressure that the gas would exert if it occupied a container of its own.
  • If a mixture of gases contains 3 different gases then the total pressure will equal the 3 partial pressures added together. P= p1+p2+p3
  • Partial pressure= mole fraction x total pressure of gas 1

     p1= x1 x P

  • Mole fraction= number of moles of a gas

                            Total number of moles of all gases

  • Writing an expression for Kp

N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3

Kp= p2 NH3

      pN2 P3 H2

Effect of changing conditions on value of Kc or Kp

  • The larger the Kc the greater the amount of products.
  • If Kc is small we say the equilibrium favours the reactants.
  • Kc and Kp only change with temperature. It does not…


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