Part 1 Conflict and Tension: Causes of the first world war


The Alliance System:

-The Triple alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

-The Triple Entente: France, Britain and Russia

- Franco-Russian Alliance; 1893 France and Russia.

The Triple Entente was formed as a result of three alliances/agreements:

Entente Cordiale-1903- France and Britain - a friendly agreement

Franco-Russian alliance-1893-France and Russia

Anglo-Russian agreement- 1907-Britain and Russia

The first moroccan crisis 1905-06

There was tension in europe, Germany wanted a 'place in the sun' and to build its empire (imperialism)

Morocco was strategically important because of its position in relation to the moroccan sea.

Morocco was weak and France hoped to conquer it.

February 1905- Francw demanded control over the moroccan army and police. The sultan refused.


March 1905-the kaiser visited morocco . He said he wanted free trade for Gemany in Morocco and promised to defend Morocco.There was an international crisis-France and Germany threatened war. Britain encouraged France to hold a firm line and not to back down. A conference was held at Algeciras(1906),Germany was forced to back down.


The Entente cordiale was strengthened -this further divided europe into two armed camps.France was angry with Germany-relations between the countries deteriorated.Britain became more suspicious of Germany (Imperialism,building a navy)-they were threatened. Germany had to stay out of Morocco and felt humiliated.

The Bosnian Crisis 1908


Serbia the leading slav state in the Balkans, aimed to unite all the other states occupied Slavs in under Serbian leadership. Austria-Hungary opposed this as it was worried about the break-up of its empire.


Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia in 1908. Serbia was annoyed with Austria-Hungary so appealed for help from Russia. Russia backed Serbia. Germany backed Austria-Hungary . Russia was forced to back down because it didn't want to fight with Germany alone.


Austria-Hungary felt it had the full support of Germany. Italy backed away from the Triple Alliance- it did not like how Austria Hungary had behaved . Russia had been humiliated . It brought Britain , France and Russia closer together. Serbia was forced to accept the annexation but it was now determined to oppose Austria-Hungary.

The Second Morooccan Crisis:

1911-  A rebellion against the Sultan broke out in Fez. The Sultan appealed to the French for help who sent an army. Germany opposed French action and sent a gunboat , the panther, to Agadir to protect their interests in Morocco. The use of the gunboat was…


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