Parents education

  • Created by: Shadow
  • Created on: 23-12-20 11:41

Cultural deprivation theorists argue that parents attitudes to education are s key factor affecting children’s achievement. Leon Feinstein (2008) reaches similar conclusions. He argues that parents’ own education is the most important factor affecting children’s achievement and, since middle class parents tend to be better educated, they are able to give their children an advantage by how they socialise them. This occurs in a number of ways:

Parenting Style

Educated parents’ style emphasises consistent discipline and high expectations of their children, and this supports achievement by encouraging active learning and exploitation.

By contrast, less educated parents’ parenting style is marked by harsh or inconsistent discipline that emphasises ‘doing as you’re told’ and ‘behaving yourself’. This prevents the child from learning independence and self control, leading to poorer motivation at school and problems interacting with teachers.

Parents educational behaviours

Educated parents are more aware of what is needed to assist their children’s educational progress. Educated parents are asl better to get an expert advice on childrearing, more successful in establishing good relationships with teachers and better at guiding their children’s…


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