Paper 2 Topic 1 Health, fitness and wellbeing

  • Created by: Finpoppy1
  • Created on: 04-09-21 15:08

Physical health

Improvements in physical health result from regular exercise, for example:

- Stonger bones / reduced chance of developing osteoporosis, through taking part in weight - bearing activities like running and walking.

- Reduced chance of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, through reducing cholestrol / lower blood pressure.

- Reduced chance of obesity, through burning excess calories whilst exercising.

Remember: it is the end result that brings about the health benifits.

Example: if blood vessels are not restricted due to high cholestrol, you would be able to work harder as oxygen delievery would be improved.

Negitive effects:

Training can have negative effects on physical health too, for example:

- Overexertion leading to heart attack or stroke

- Overuse injuries

- A less effective immune system

Emotional health

Physical activity can also improve emotional health. Some of the benifits of exercise to emotional health include:

Stress relief (helping prevent depression)

- Exercise causes an increase in serotonin (a chemical found in the body) - when it is released it makes you feel good.

- Physical activities can take your mind off any problems.

Competition and reduced boredom

- You have fun when you play sports.

- You feel good if winning or meeting a challenge.

- You have something to do.

Aesthetic appretiation (recognising the beauty of skill of a movement)

- Example: you might enjoy seeing a football player demonstrating a high levek of skill when they control the ball and kick a perfect volley.

Self - confidence and self - esteem

Confidence can be increased through physical activity because:

- You feel part of something as you become a member of a team

- You are performing better as a result of practising more

- Ypu think you look better as you may be losing weight (if previously overweight).

Social health

Someone who is socially healthy can make friends easily and work well with others.

Social benifits of exercise inlude:

- Meeting new people

- Making new friends

- Maintaining existing freindships

- Improving co - operating skills

- Less anti - social behaviour

The benifits of an active lifestyle may vary between different age roups. For example, for elderly people it prevents loneliness, but for a child it helps to develop social skills.


Cooperation is when we work with others and demonstrate teamwork. Learning to cooperate is important as it can lead to better understanding of your teammates and better teamwork skills. This may make your team more successful.

Training can have negative effects on social health too. For example, training could mean that you spend less time with friends and family.

Lifestyle choices

The choices you make in life will have an impact on your health and wellbeing.


- Goverment guidlines state that daiy calorie intake should be 2500 calories for men and 2000 calories for women.

- Making poor dietary choices could resulet in a number of negative effects including anorexia, obesity and diseases caused by lack of nutrients, such as rickets…


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