Paper 1, Networks

  • LAN - local area network, a network set up over a small geographical area. E.g. a network within an office or school. This allows for easy file access from any device upon the LAN, the internet can also be shared between multiple devices and allows for hardware such as printers to be shared between devices. Easy sharing of data, user access levels and being more cost effective are just a handful of advantages of a LAN.
  • WAN - wide area network, a network set up over a large geographical area. E.g. the internet.
  • Network performance - physical obstructions can affect wireless networks particularly. Network traffic, the more data that is passed around the network, the more traffic there will be and the more data collisions there will be (number of people/number of devices). Choice of connection method (wired vs. wireless) wired is generally faster because there are no obstructions and connection is direct.
  • Client-server - central server with all devices connected to it. All data is stored centrally so can be accessed from any device upon the network. However, if the server fails the whole network fails. Many client-server networks have a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) that gives time between


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