P and E Homework

  • Created by: 5Tratton
  • Created on: 03-01-17 16:30

Philosophy and ethics homework 

"marrage is out-dated"

fore-1) might not believe in realigon 

2) people dont need marrage to love eachother 

against-1) marrage has always been a treadition throught out hundreds of years.

2) it can show that you love your partner.

3) It is a sin to have sex while your not marred.

"There is no place for a woman in church"

fore-1) god made eve out of adam, this can suggest that women where put on earth but men are more important 

2) it is a tradition to not allow women to become high ranking in the church.

against-1) everyone should have equal rights no matter there sexuality/gender  

2) through the years women have been aloud to be higher ranking in church and can be older belive about christanity, this can disprove the staement.

"Homosexual marrage is completely acseptable"

fore-1) the modren inturputation of marrage is to become loyal to your partner no matter what the gender of your partner is.

2) some religons allow homosexual marrage as long as the partners dont have any sexual/physiscal contact with eachother.

against- 1) Adam and Eve are a example of a devoted relationship. 

2) "man should'nt lay with another man"

"there are no circumstances where divorce is acseptable"

fore- 1) its looked down apon by christans to get a divorce

2) you should be dovoted to your partner 100 persent 

3) the roman catholics are very against…


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