
  • Created by: DonaJ2002
  • Created on: 27-01-18 20:28


Themes: Power of Human, Power of nature, pride


Shelley Disliked Monarchy + the Mistreat of Ordinary People

Structure: Begins- Parts of Statue gives him a Cinematic and Heroic Entry BUT Ends by Describing the Enormous Dessert Reflecting on his Fate and Statue.

1 Stanza= Ozi's Power+ Kingship Short like 1 Stanza

Language: Ozymandias= Human Power; overTime, Nature Ruined statue= Time + Nature More Powerful than anything else

Form: Volta- line 9+ Tone of voice change- Started Calm, Describing the Statue; Starts a line with a Stressed symbol 'Look' showing that he's NOT really nice but Commanding


1) Beginning: Emphasis

' I met a traveller from an antique land'

Shows: Unimportance


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