Othello Context


Othello Context 

Image result for othello (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/%3Cem%3ED9cWf075QuU/TAuBVPcWIdI/AAAAAAAAAR4/NZkE8mqM9wI/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/Othello+by+William+Shakespeare+OKEEH.jpg)Image result for othello

  • Othello was believed to be written in 1603, by William Shakepseare. This was an era of a colour prejudiced society. 
  • When Othello was written the English were becoming more and more aware of the existence of other races in the world. 
  • The New World was being discoverd through voyages during  Elizabeth's regin. This gained them contacts between Native Americans- some of which were being brought back to England. 
  • In 1554, English traders had brought back a group of West Africans to London to learn English so they could act as interpreters. 
  • Pale skin was the epitome of beauty. This meant that dark skin was viewed below.
  • The term 'black' was used…


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