
  • Created by: wallagee
  • Created on: 20-04-22 22:34


"All-knowing" - God has perfect knowledge (full knowledge and complete understanding)
Aquinas suggests He has "self-knowledge" - that as the Creator, He knows all of Creation

To be omniscient, God must be immutable - if He can change and gain knowledge, this suggests He was previously lacking in knowledge. 
William Lane Craig refutes this and suggests that God remains perfect and fully aware even when His knowledge changes - e.g. when it is 3.00pm, He knows, and when it is 3.01pm, He knows; the fact His knowledge changes is a mark of His perfection

Scriptural support for omniscience
- knows laws of heavens
- Story of Bathsheba - God knows of David's deception
- Psalm 139 shows He knows all people through:
"God your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

What is God's knowledge?
Dummett - for every true proposition, God knows its truth
Since God is simple, He can't gain knowledge; He just has knowledge (is this meaningful?)

Since God is


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