Oleanna Act 2 Notes

  • Created by: Loomy
  • Created on: 23-04-14 21:53

(These are best read alongside the Act.)

Physically, the start of the act is the same as the start of the play. Suggests nothing's changed in the relationship.

Analepsis - Act 2 -> Act 1

"Seated across from each other" could show a subtle shift in their views of each other. More equality.

John has a long monologue. Flouting quantity and relevance. Only few pauses. Carol does not interrupt, suggesting she's not listening, and that she's assured enough to allow him to reveal his flaws. "What do you want of me?" flouts relevance and suggests she was waiting for him to stop speaking.

John uses complex lexis--"heterodoxy"--still trying to confuse and intimidate her. Complex, polysyllabic and latinate lexis.

Carol uses aggressive questioning, challenging him.

John uses first person pronoun. Trying to engage Carol's sympathy. Emotive language--"comfort" etc.

Use of rhetoric--repetition of "that" is anaphora (repeating word/phrase at the beginning of successive phrases). Persuasive and compelling.

Minor sentence--not grammatically complete. Complexity of thought on pg43 didn't work, so he tried a different approach.

John patronises her. Undermining her--"as you don't have your own family."

Traditional ideas about gender--"the house I picked out for my wife and child"

When he gets to the point, he hesitates. Language breaks down. "What have I done to you?" She doesn't answer. Shows she's powerful. He gets nothing from her.

Pg46 - Carol uses aggressive questioning. Puts words in his mouth. Relate to Act 3--she offers him her terms for retraction. She is doing what John has shown her (bully her into retraction). She defines words that she thinks he means ("To bribe me, to convince me..."). Showing him that he has crossed boundaries.

Clear declaraties. "That is not what I know"--not interested.

Pg47 - John showing off his education. "Now: Think:"--thought process to stop himself saying what he usually does.

Carol's speech is very indirect. Not being clear. Demonstrating what she's learnt from him--allows her to hold power while he works out what she's saying. Hedging it--perhaps indicating she knows she's misinterpreting it. Suggests she has been given these words by her group. Wider concern for "the student body".

Elitist--believing he is above other people. Does know what that means--imitating her speech patterns…


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