New testament- Eschatology and parables


New testament


Realized eschatology:

·       Rebirth: not the end of the world- rebirth was instituted by Jesus + continued by the disciples

·       dismiss end time theories


Dodd...the bible is symbolic, revelation is symbolic. Eschatology is not an event just symbolic... God's plans + purpose for humanity were fulfilled through Jesus therefore it would be heretical to suggest that another event was required.

John Crossan...Eschatology is not about the end and the destruction of the earth but it is transfiguration and the end of evil, injustice and violence.

Parable support:

·       mustard seed

·       growing seed


Inaugurated eschatology:

The belief that the end times are inaugurated at the life and death and resurrection of Jesus.

·       Jesus bringing of the kingdom of God has both a present and future aspect.


RT France...was not concerned with the end of ther world but with the decisive act of God which will bring to an end the existing order of things in the world +inaugurated a new era of blessing, of a totally different order.

FF Bruce...the two ages how overlap each other and this overlapping last from his first coming to his second coming.

Parable support:

·        growing seed

·        sheep and goats

·        lazurus

·        talents

Jesus' power in healings, raising the dead, controlling nature and especially the casting out demons shows that the kingdom was present at his ministry.



Future eschatology:

there will be a definitive end time in the future where the world will end or be redeemed or reconstituted. focus on return of Christ.

Amillennialism: not a literal 1000 year reign of Christ of earth. the church is the kingdom over which Christ rules and he will one day return to judge.

postmillennialism: Christians will establish God's kingdom on earth the 1000 year reign. then Christ will return.

Pre-millennialism: Christ's second coming will occur after


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