New ideas and discoveries in the period C1500 - C1700

  • Created by: samiyahhh
  • Created on: 22-10-17 15:52

New ideas and discoveries in the period C1500 - C1700

  • The Thoery of the Four Humours was rejected by radical physicians, disease was seen as separate from the body. New chemical treatments started to appear.

Influential individual: Parcelsus, a swiss scientist and medical professor.

  • In 1546, a new text called "On Contagion" theorised that disease was caused by seeds spread in the air. 

Influential individual: Girolamo Fracastoro, an Italian physician.

  • In 1628, a new theory was published in Britain which suggested that blood circulated around the body instead of being made in the liver taught by Galen.

Influential individual: William Harvey, and English scientist.

  • A better understanding of the digestive system developed. People gradually stopped believing disease was


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