Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression




-These neable the transmission of impulses through the brain... low levels of SERETONIN and high levels of DOPAMINE lead to aggression.

-Seretonin reduces aggression in the right amount because of inhibiting response to emotional stimuli.. this makes it clear that low levels of seretonin should lead to aggressive behaviour. 

  • Dexfenfluramine given to 35 healthy students which depletes seretonin... in men an increase in hostility and aggressive behaviour was found but not in women.

-Not much evidence for link between high levels of dopamine and aggression... Amphetamines increase aggressive behaviour through an increase in dopamin activity. Antipsychotics reduce aggressive behaviour as they deplete dopamine levels


-Testosteron influences aggression.

-Salivary testosteron measured in violent criminals.. high levels found in violent crimes and low levels in non-violent crimes. 

-Challenge hypothesis - Humans are monogamous and their testosterone levels rise when it comes to social challenges/ reproductive competition.

-Testosteron is the primary biochemical influence on aggression and low cortisol levels play an important role in the…


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