Nerve Impulses


Nerve Impulses

A nerve impulse:

  • is a temporary reversal of potential difference across the axon membrane that travels as a self-propagating action potential
  • the reversal of potential difference is caused by ion movement across the membrane - sodium ions (Na+) and potassium ions (K+)
  • action potentials can only be generated where the axon membrane is not insulated by a myelin sheath so they jump from a node of Ranvier to the next adjacent node of Ranvier in myelinated neurones - saltatory conduction

Establishment of Resting Membrane Potential:

  • In a resting (unstimulated) neurone the membrane is polarised
  • The inside of the cell has a negative charge with respect to the outside of the cell
  • Potential difference across membrane is -70mV
  • But...
    • when the potential


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