My Last Duchess Poetic Devices

  • Created by: Megan96
  • Created on: 04-11-13 21:30


Example / further detail

So what?

Conversational tone – the language directs the listener

Will’t please you…’ ‘Nay, we’ll go together down, sir.’

The speaker, The Duke, is talking to a visitor. It is meant to sound like one half of a conversation.

Disjointed thoughts – his sentences are frequently interrupted

Somehow - I know not how –‘; (since none puts by the curtain…)

Some of these stops and starts are responses to what the listener has said, others are his own interruptions. In either case, he will carry on regardless!

Urgent continuous pace

No verses. The poem moves relentlessly on.

The Duke will not be stopped. He is in charge.

Convoluted syntax

Lines 35 -


Dan Hope_1997


This was so helpful, thanks!