My revision note, Recognising Graphs and Transformations of graphs

  • Created by: Erel
  • Created on: 17-12-15 15:17

Recognising Graphs and Transformations of Graphs


Coordinates are the numbers used to tell us how to get to a certain point on a grid -  e.g a graph or a map. this grid will have an x axis whioch runs horizontally, and a y axis that runs vertically.

image: graph showing co-ordinate (2,1) (

Coordinates are written in pairs. The coordinates of P on the graph above is (2,1). the first number in the pair is known as the x coordinate (2,1).

The x coordinate tells us how many units to go across (to the left if it is a negative number, or the right if it is positive).

The y coordinate tells us how many units to go up if the number is…


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