Music listening - Elements of music

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 06-05-12 11:55

Revision guide exam board OCR

Semibreive - 4 beats

Minim - 2 beats

Crotchet - 1 beat

Quaver - Half beat

Dotted rhythms make a piece lively. 

Time signature - most if 4 beats in a bar, some 3 - Waltz have 3/4 and have an oom pah pah accompaniment.

Simple time - 2 3 or 4 time with a 4 on the bottom

Compound time - 6/8 - 123, 456

Dupal time - 2 main beats - two dotted crotches in a bar for ex. 

Triple time - 3 main beats

Quadruple - 4 main beats


Italian terms...

Very slow- Largo

Walking pace - andante

Modrate speed - Moderato

Fast - allegro

Very fast - presto

Rit - slowing down

Allegando - slowing down and getting thicker

Acellerando- getting faster

Rubato- playing flexibly, feeling the rhythem


pp- very soft

ff- very loud

Sfx - Suddenly loud

Crescendo - getting louder

diminuendo - getting quieter


Perfect 5th in renaissence music

Perfect 4th - away in a manger

3rd - think rugrats

2nd - clashing.

Key terms...

Ostinato - short melodic idea that repeats continually.





not helpful if your exam board is Edexcel......