Muscles and movement


Muscles and movement


Sarcoplasmic rectillium- It is a network of membranes which stores and releases calcium ions

Myofibril- A cylindrical organelle running the length of the muscle fibre, containing myosin and actin filaments

Myofibrils- Long tubes of cytoskeletons which are involved in support, movement and intra-cellular transport.

Mitochondria-Provides ATP that’s needed for muscle contractions, they are multinucleate.

Sarcolemma- The cell membrane of the muscle fibre cells.

Sarcoplasm- The cells cytoplasm.                      

Transverse (T) tubules- the folds caused by the Sarcolemma sticking into the Sarcoplasm to spread the electrical impulse.

Sarcomere- The functional unit of the myofibril.

Actin- A thin contractile protein filament containing active sites.

Myosin- A thick contractile protein with protrusions known as myosin heads.

Tropomyosin- An actin binding protein which regulates muscle contractions.

Troponin- A complex of 3 proteins attached to tropomyosin.


Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle you use to move. They are attached to bones by tendons. Whereas, ligaments attach bones to other bones in order to hold them together. These muscles contract and relax in order to move the joints. The muscles that work together to move bones are called antagonistic pairs. They have to work in pairs because muscles can only pull when they contract- they can’t


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