muscle types

  • Created by: rxbyw
  • Created on: 17-04-19 16:00


-elastic fibres

-join one bone to another

-keeps body stable while physical activity

ligaments are important in the knee as it keeps the knee stable while running or walking

ligament injuries are important because they do not have much blood flow so heal slowly


-non elastic fibres

-attach muscle to bone

-helps apply power and movement

warming up helps prevent injuries to the ligaments and tendons

muscle types:

voluntary muscles:

-are under conscious control

-these muscles are attached to skeleton(skeletal muscles)

-made of cylindrical fibres that are long and thin

involuntary muscles:

-are not under conscious control

-contract and relax automatically

-found in organs

-made of splinder shaped fibres

-vascular smooth muscle found in blood vessels

-vascular smooth muscle aid in blood redistribution by contracting and relaxing to change the volume of the vessel

cardiac muscle:

-found in the walls of the heart

-made of interlaced fibres

-the fibres spread electrochemical signals from brain to heart so cells contract same time

-this regulates heart rate and pumps blood though heart to body

-cardiac muscle keeps heart pumping right way when running

voluntary muscles can be trained to be stronger 

you can work on them also to improve flexibility 

you can work on them through various exercises like sit ups

main voluntary muscles you need to know:


the shoulder


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