muscle cells

  • Created by: jessicate
  • Created on: 21-07-18 19:43

Q1. How does a muscle cell aquire all it needs to carry out its function?

A1. A muscle cell is a specialised cell that contracts to create involuntry or voluntry movements in the body. A muscle cell needs energy which is produced through respiration by the mitochondria. It also uses proteins which are created by the ribosomes during protein synthesis. Protein synthesis uses amino acids which are carried to the ribosomes by transfer RNA molecules. A muscle cell also needs a rich blood supply. The blood supplies oxygen which is needed for respiration. During anaerobic respiration lactic acid is formed. Lactic acid is formed when there is a lack in the oxygen supply which happens in the incomplete breakdown of glucose. Lactic acid causes muscle matigue meaning the muscles cant work to the best of their ability. The rich blood supply removes the lactic acid from the muscle and delivers


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