Mrs Dodd

  • Created by: Jess4989
  • Created on: 04-04-18 15:29


1This can be used to argue against the existence of God.

Moral suffering- pain caused by evil actions, such as murder or theft

Natural suffering- pain caused by natural events, such as natural disaster and deasease. 


- its not loving to allow evil and suffering; it would seem much more loving to have a world where these things didnt happen. there could be a world without suffering and disasters. god could have ceated humans without the ability to be evil.

-If god is all powerful, he could have created a better world. If the world was created by god, it would have taken immense power, it is not much to create a world without mosquitos and HIV.

Reigious responses- 

-It may be more loving to allow evil and suffering. E.g if humans could not be evil then they will would not have free will and would not be completely be in controll. It is better to be free, even if it means that some people will use this free will to hurt others. This explains moral suffering, and some natural suffering is a good thing. (Over population)

- There may be other reasons for evil and suffering; they could be a test of faith, so god can see who has faith in him, even in adverse circumstances. It…


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