



Instrinsic and extrinstic: Extrinsic motivation is the desire to perform becasue it gives a positive reinforcement or it avoids punishments. It comes from an external factor. Wheras Intrinsic motivation is the desire to perform becasue it gives internal pleasure.

Behaviourist theory: Follows the basis of Operant conditioning, students are motivated rewards The more a student is rewarded the more they will repeat an action. 

Humanistic theory: hierachy of needs Maslow  we start at basic needs and then move up to meta needs. More motivated when you reach self actualisation as you have relaised your full potential. 

Cognitive: It is all about how we think adn process information. Its is based around out potential to see the future. We anaylse the chance of sucess of failure and use these as motivators. We use the knowledge from past experiences to contemplete whether to continue with a task.

Improving motivation:

Behavioural (Brophy): Effective praise, he noted that only 6% of the time was dedicated to praise when it should be 10%. He suggested that it is not the act of praising but the way we are praised. it should only be delivered in response to specific behaviours, behaviour that is praised needs to be made clear to students, Praise should be sicnere and credible, it should be informative adn sepcifc and attribute succes to effort.

Cognitive (Mc Celland): Believed that people either have a high or low need for achievment. People with a high need will seek out tasks that test their ability and are not easy for them. they want to challeneg themseves. They have a hope for sucess. Wheras someone with a low need for achivement normally have a fear of failure so will


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