mock AS topic 1 education


Define the term 'immediate gratification' (2 marks)

Immediate gratification is known as a working class value where they seek pleasure now rather than making sacrifices for later in life in order to get rewards.

Using one example, briefly explain how the restricted speech code may lead to underachievement.  (2 marks)

The restricted code is used mainly by working class and may lead to underachievement because it uses limited vocabulary and simple short sentences, this makes working class pupils disadvantaged, as teachers, books and exams use the elaborated speech code typically used by the middle class.

Outline 3 ways in which housing may affect achievement.  (6 marks)

Poor housing could affect achievement due to overcrowding, overcrowding houses can lead to children having no space for educational activities, nowhere to do their homework and disturbed sleep due to sharing bedrooms and beds. Damp housing can lead to ill health which means absence from school may be necessary and therefore education will be interrupted. Working class families are also more likely to stay in temporary accomodation and as a result will move more often, this leads to children moving to lots of different schools and once again a disrupt within education, leading to underachievement.

Applying material from item A and your knowledge, evaluate the view that working class pupils' lower levels of achievement are the product of factors outside of schools.  (20 marks) 

There are many factors as to why working class pupils underachieve within any level of school. These range from cultural factors such as language and speech codes, parental education and a working-class subculture to material factors including inadequate housing, poor diet and health and finiancial support.

Language is very important when it comes to skills within the education system. Hubbs-Tait et el, found that when parents use language that challenges their children to evaluate own understanding, their cognitive performance improves. However, less educated parents use language in ways that only require children to make simple descriptive statements. As Item A states, differences in speech codes can affect childrens achievement. Bernsteins identification of speech codes identifies between two types: the elaborated and restricted. The restricted speech code is mainly used by the working class, it uses short, simple and non complex sentences and vocabulary. By contrast, the elaborated speech code is used by the middle-class, within this, complex sentences and a wide range of vocabulary is used. These differences put working-class children at a disadvantage, this is because the elaborated code is used by teachers, textbooks and exams, making it hard for working-class pupils to understand which therefore leads to exam failure. Bernstein however has been criticised as he describes working-class speech as inadequate. But he does recognise that the school, not just the home influences child achievement. This is because schools fail to teach the working class how to use the elaborated code effectively.

As Item A states, parental attitude's and their previous education can also affect children's educational achievement. Douglas (1964) found…


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