
  • Created by: JS007
  • Created on: 17-01-18 14:27
  • The mitochondria is the site of respiration and is primarily responsible for synthesising ATP


  • Matrix- the site of the Krebs cycle, pH 8, slightly basic
  • Inner membrane - contains the ATP synthase port
  • Outer membrane - contains porins
  • Intermembrane space- site of the electron transport chain


Respiration begins in the cytoplasm; sugars are converted to pyruvate and fats are converted to fatty acids and glycerol

The peroxisomes also produce a small amount of acetylCoA from fatty acids. These products all migrate to the mitochondria to take part in the Krebs cycle


Pyruvate + fatty acids -> acetylCoA (a 2 carbon molecule)

AcetylCoA is then fully oxidised by the Krebs cycle, producing CO2, NADH and FADH2

Electron transport chain:

NADH and FADH2 donate their…


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