
  • Created by: K4typ
  • Created on: 20-10-16 11:37

Mitch is a bear like character who although from the same background as stanley is seen as more of a gentleman. He has a sick mother and as a result the other male characters tease him for it.

Mitch: I’m out again. I oughta go home pretty soon.  

Stanley: Shut up.

Mitch: I gotta sick mother. She don’t go to sleep until I come in at night.

Stanley: Then why don’t you stay home with her?

Mitch: She says to go out, so I go, but I don’t enjoy it. All the while I keep wondering how she is.

Stanley: Aw, for the sake of Jesus, go home, then!

 It is likely he lives with his mother, and he wants to bring a woman home to his mother. 

He is couterous towards Blanche and when he first meets her is polite and kind, which provides a stark contrast to he other characters. However the incoungerous setting which he and Blanche meet in does not bode well for their relationship, one does not usually expect to meet a lover outside of the cloakroom. It would be possilbe to say that they are both brought togther as both need support due to emotional pain. 

Willliams portrays the characters as ill suited to each other,  this is shown through his use…


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