

(from A grade answer)

'those things done by divine power apart from the order usually followed in things'
3 types of miracle;
Events done by god that nature cannot do
considered the most traditional approach to defining a miracle - effectively a breach of a law of nature, which contradicts our regular experience about how the world works. eg walking on water.
Events done by god that nature can do but not in that orderlogically impossible for these things to happen. nature can bring about a spontaneous remission or recovery but we wouldn't expect this to happen, may be attributed to the direct intervention of god. eg recovery from paralysis.
Events done by god that nature can do but god does without the use of natural laws
we would expect these things to happen naturally, but it may have happened more quickly. could be called a miraculous intervention by god. eg recovering from a cold
Aquinas allowed for a range of possible events we could call miracles, didn't limit them to violations of a natural law. A miracle is primarily identified by gods intervention; an act of god that has beneficial consequences for the recipient.

M.COOK; "The unexpected and unusual manifestations of the presence and power of god"
- the event must be against regular experience
- the event has a purpose and significance
- it is possible to ascribe religious significance
PAUL TILLICH; "...an event which is astonishing, unusual, shaking, without contradicting the rational structure of reality.. an event which points to the mystery of being."

BRIAN DAVIES; "unexpected and fortuitous events in the light of which we are disposed


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