Minority influence including reference to consistency, commitment and flexibility


Minority situaton refers to situation where one person where one person or a small group of people influences the beliefs and behaviour of other people / the majority. this is different from conformity as the majority isn`t doing the infuencing. Minority influence is most likely to lead to internalisation.

Moscovici first studied this process in his `blue slide, green slide` study. This study and others like it have drawn attention to the processes involved in minority influence.


consistency in the minority view increase the amount of interest from other people. this consistency may be agreement between people in the minority group (synchronic consistency - everyone saying the same thing) and or consistency over time (diachronic synchrony - they`ve been saying the same thing for a long time now). such consistency makes other people start to rethink thier own views.


some minorities engage in some extreme activities to draw attention to their views. it is importnat aht these activities cause a risk to the minority to emphasise their commitment to their views. Majority members may pay them more attention for it. this is known as the augmentation principle.


Nemeth 1986 argued that consistency is not the only important factor in minority influence as it can be interpreted negatively. being extremely consistent and repeating the same arguments / behaviours over and over can be seen as unbending, dogmatic an inflexible. This is off-putting to the majority and is unlikely to lead to any conversions. instead, members of the minority…


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