Microbes and Disease


Microbes and Disease

The infectious diseases are caused by pathogens.

NOT all microbes are pathogens.
But all pathogens are microbes.

A pathogen is a microbe that causes disease:

-- bacteria - bronchitous, typhoid, tuberculosis
-- viruses - warts, herpes, flu, measles, smallpox
-- fungi - athletes foot, ring worm

Once a pathogen has entered the body it has food (body) warmth and moisture. They can reproduce very quickly. Bacteria doubles every 20 mins, 1 bacteria - 20 minutes - 32,763 bacteria.

Infection - when the pathogen enters the body
Disease - when there are observable symptoms

How can we stop pathogens from entering the body?

Disinfectant - used to kill pathogens on non-living surfaces
antiseptic - used to kill pathogens on living surfaces

Bodys External Defences

Mouth - amylase in saliva breaks down pathogens - disease T.B
Nose - hairs + mucas that trap down pathogens - disease influenza
Ears - hairs + mucas/ ear wax…


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