Methods Used To Identify The Brain


Neurosurgery- this is an invasive method which involves manipulating structures within the brain. Ablations is a surgical procedure to remove areas of the brain and Lesions is when surgeons cut neural connections in the brain. This is a specific and controlled way of locating damage however you cannot determine cause and effect. 

Electrical Stimulation- This is an invasive method to examine cortical specialisation. It is when an electrode is inserted into a single/selection of neuron in the brain which is then stimulated with electricity. This procedure is more ethical than surgery due to the less harmful procedure however many animal studies are used so the generalisation of results cannot occur. This is extremely useful when surgeons need to determine the localisation of function before surgery however it involves removing part of the skull which means that it is dangerous.

MRI Scans- This is a non-invasive technique which involves strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce precise images of the brain therefore providing detailed knowledge of the brain activity whilst


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