Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction


Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction


Nucleus contians chromosomes. A cell with two full set of chromosomes is called a diploid (2n). If 2 sets of dipolid cells conmbined during sexual reproduction, the offspring would have 4 full sets of chromosomes. To avaoid this, haploid (n) nuclei are formed with just one set of chromosomes within the specialist cells called gametes. Sexual reproduction occures when 2 haploid cells fuse to form a dipoid cells called a Zygote, during fertalisation.

Formation of Gametes

Gametes form in the sex organs (in simpler organisms sex organs are only formed when needed-temporary). In more complicated organisms that have permanent sex organs, they are called the gonads.

In plants, male sex organs are anthers and female are ovaries. Male gametes, pollen, are produced in anther and filament. Female Gametes, ovules, are formed in ovaries.

In animals, male gonads are testes, which produce male gamete spermatozoa (sperm). Female gonads are ovaries, porduce female gamete ova (eggs). Male gametes are much smaller than female ones but produced in larger quantities. Can be summarised as:

  • Male:


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