Medicine Through Time (but not really because it stops at the Renaissance)


Medicine Through Time

  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Rome
  • Middle Ages (and Saxon England)
  • Renaissance
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Twentieth Century to Present Day

(I'm making this for a few reasons, 1. I can't find a revision guide for this unit anywhere and I can't work out why, 2. The ****** revision guide my teacher made makes no damn sense because she didn't bother proofreading and 3. maybe translating her work into English would be beneficial for my GCSE (not that this will be much better, my grammar is *****)

Just in case the layout makes you suicidal, the thing the website makes you write on is a load of ****, it's awful and the font size keeps being weird, plus every now and then I talk like a piece of **** because I'm 'funny'...

So this is mostly plagiarised from the revision things my teacher gave to us but it might help some people who can't find all the information on the spec in one place. Also, I have no clue whether she wrote all of it or just copied info from online so she could give us some notes to maybe use but considering it's so poorly written, I doubt that was the case. Basically, if this appears to be copied from somewhere, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me, I promise I'm a good person, I'm literally like 8 years old be nice.)

Greek Medicine 1500BC-200BC

The Greek Empire was strong and successful, they took over the Egyptian Empire and gained all the knowledge they had. At the time, they believed in Gods for most aspects of their lives, most importantly Asclepius, the God of Healing.


  • They build temples for the sick called Asklepios. (in case you didn't guess, it's named after the lad himself).
  • They believed that if a sick person was to sleep in an Asklepion, Asklepios and his daughters would come into their dreams and cure them. (This is obvious bs but it was a placebo effect).
  • Asklepios's had baths, gyms, libraries and temples to pray to the Gods
  • They performed 'simple' surgeries.

Asklepios also supposedly came up with the Four Humours theory but it was ya boy Hippocrates who developed it.


Hippocrates worked as a doctor and a teacher of doctors, he was also born in Cos if you're interested. 

The Hippocratic Oath

  • Made to give people confidence in doctors.
  • Made it clear that doctors were not magicians. 
  • Made sure doctors had a high standard of treatment, all the work they did was sworn to be for the good of the patients and not for their own wealth

The Four Humours

The Theory Four Humours was that the body was made up of four humours (liquids).

  • blood 
  • black bile (yum)
  • yellow bile
  • phlegm (nothing more attractive)

Basically, the theory was if they were balanced, you were healthy if they weren't the person would be ill. When there was an imbalance they believed that things would happen to the body to get rid of them...

  • Blood - nose bleeds
  • Black/ Yellow Bile - vomit
  • Phlegm - Coughing,


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