medicine in britain assessment

  • Created by: Jessiew02
  • Created on: 22-03-18 14:21
  1. Explain one way in which understanding of the causes of disease and illness was different in 1750 from the present day (4 marks)

One way in which understanding of the cause of disease and illness was different in 1750 from present day was....DNA and Germ theory

For example in 1750 -DNA-they had no idea about DNA, -Germ theory- during 1750 everyone believed in Miasma theory or the theory of the 4 humours.

Whereas in present day- DNA allowed them to find out about genes. Whether you will develop a disease or disability. (Watson 1953)

However, during present day the theory of germs came in to place (1878) by Louis Pasteur

2. Explain why there was rapid progress in the prevention of smallpox in the period 1750-1900 (12 marks)

P1: Individuals

EV:-Edward Jenner, 1796 was his first ever vaccination, 1798 he wrote a book describing vaccinations and 1805 napoleon had his whole entire army vaccinated.

EX: without the knowledge of Jenner the whole progress of finding a cure for smallpox would be non existence. The intelligence of Jenner enabled a cure for smallpox to be discovered and used.

P2: Government

EV: -1852 the smallpox vaccination became compulsory, 1870s the vaccination was enforced and by 1871 the vaccination had become public.

EX: with the governments help the prevention of smallpox was able to have a massive scope, covering everyone. From this the prevention of smallpox was rapidly increasing by each vaccination.

P3: Attitudes

EV: the age of enlightment, 1840 inoculation became illegal, people started to move further away from tradition and more towards scientific theories.


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