Media violence


reasons the media may not affect an audience
-  The media may not fit an individuals beliefs and ideologies 
-  first hand experiences 
- personal qualities 

needs the media might satisfy 
- Information
- entertainment 
- escapism 

Violence can be seen everywhere - pornographny, video games, film, new media 
We are now exposed to more violence than ever in the new media where it can be accessed anywjhere, 
Violence in the new media is not limited to consumption but also participation, e.g uploading violent content to youtube.

Violence in media has been debated for as long as media has consisted. 
Every time anything violent comes out there is a moral panic. 
E.g. Trench coat mafia (idea that matrix caused columbine shooting), Teletubies (Dumbing children down) , James Bulger murder. 

Newson (1994 - year after James Bulger murder) 
violent videos could lead to violent…


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