Media influences - the effects of computer games


Media - Communication channels, such as TV, film and books, through the news, entertainment, education and data are made available. 

Computer games - a game usually played on screen using a keyboard, mouse or controller. 

Methods of assessing the effects:

  • Experimental studies - lab based and look at short term effects
  • Correlational - investigate real-life variables and may be short-term of longitudinal studies
  • Meta-analysis - beings together the above three types to give an overall judgement of the size of the effect of violent media on aggressive behaviour. 

Experimental studies

Bartholow & Anderson - found that the Ps who played violent video games delivered significantly higher levels of white noise than those that played non-violent video games. 

Gentile and Stone - found short-term increases in levels of physiological arousal, hostile feelings and aggressive behaviour following violent game play compared to non-violent game play. 

Correlational studies

DeLisi using structured interviews, found a positive correlation between juvenile offenders with histories of aggressive behaviour and how often they played and enjoyed video games. 

Longitudinal studies

Anderson surveyed 430 children (7-9yr olds) twice during the school year and found that children who had high exposure to violent video games became more verbally and physically aggressive and less prosocial.

Meta analysis 

Anderson & Bushman conducted a meta analysis and found that short-term exposure to video game violence was associated with temporary increases in aggression among all participants.

Anderson - meta analysis of 136 studies and found that exposure to violent computer games was associated with increases in aggressive behaviours, thoughts and feelings. This was true for both males and females and accross collectivist and individualist cultures.

Evaluations - methodological issues 

Experimental studies:

  • + High control over variables and can establish causal relationship
  • - Artificial, unrealistic and blasta of white noise are not an accurate measure of aggression.


  • + Allow realistic form of aggression to be measured from a realistic source.
  • - No variables are controlled or manipulated, no random allocation, so can not establish cause and effect.

Longitudinal studies:

  • + Behaviour can be studies over a period if time, it views people as active consumers rather than passive recipients.
  • - The method is vulnerable to the effects of confounding variables. It is difficult to separate the many sources of aggression that interact with media influences, eg. parents, friends. Also the problem of attrition (drop out rates).

Evaluations - contrasting research

Kestenbaum and Weinstein - found in a sample of adolescent males that the use of computer games heloed them release aggression and feel calmer. This suggests the games allowed an outlet that was socially acceptable for intense feelings experienced (cathartic).

Harris reported that tesearch conducted by the gaming industry found no relationship between


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