

New Media

  • New media - dominant means of communication via digital technology

Who uses it?

  • Social class - expensive so poor are excluded - OFCOM - 54% of WC have a smartphone compared to 75% of the MC
  • Age - young people have more access to the media
    • AO3 - generational divide is decreasing
  • Location- World Bank - 31% of people in developing countries have internet access, 80% in HICs


  • Convergence - one device can access multiple forms of media
  • Interactivity - audience able to engage and interact
  • User power - upload own content and watch when want
  • Accessibility - free after having device. More accessible for blind/deaf
    • AO3 - expensive to have smartphone in first place

Effect on traditional outlets

  • Bivens - shift in traditional news flows
  • Heightened accountability - criticised if false or bias opinion
  • Evolving news values - personal as live stream from war zones


  • Davies - prevent journalists from telling the truth
  • Churnalism - form of journalism in which press releases are pre-packaged material


  • Combine educational content with entertainment
  • Strinati - mass media is manipulated due to entertainment

Cultural optimist / neophiliac view

  • Democracy - anyone can access for little coast
    • Keen - uncensored and opportunity
    • McNair - able to fact check as elite groups have less power to influence news agencies. Increase in citizen journalism
  • Access - able to get more information

Cultural pessimist view

  • Democracy - Curran and Seaton - government has power to control the media and concentrated ownership
  • Reinforce elite power - Owned by a few dominant views
    • Jenkins - corporations have more power than individuals

Ownership and Control

Concentration of ownership

  • Horizontal integration - buy different kinds of media (Murdoch owns Sky, Fox news)
  • TNC - operate across national boundaries
  • 7 main media companies in the UK

Traditional Marxism

  • Controlled by bourgeoisie. Instruct journalists to put across a particular message of dominant ideology to justify their privilege. Never aware of their exploitation
  • Ideological function - favourable representation of rich, negative portrayal of ethnic minorities, entertainment distracts from thinking about important issues
  • Miliband - media used by dominant group to control people and convince inequality is inevitable in society
  • Marcuse - bread and circus approach - entertainment orientated so docile. Unaware of poverty and exploitation
  • Tunstall and Palmer - governments are not interested in controlling activities of media owners as they have the same interests
  • AO3:
    • Ex-Italian PM owned 3 TV channels which 40% of the population watch, he won the election
    • Dual-consciousness - aware of exploitation but don't act upon it (Gramsci)
    • Neophiliacs believe they undermine the media's power as everyone can share information


  • Editors and journalists come from privileged background
  • GUMG - most journalists are MC, white men so reflect owner's opinion
  • Gramsci - hegemony, bourgeoisie ideology becomes common sense
  • AO3:
    • Whale - views are due to demand, not social background
    • Journalists are socialised into a culture where dominant ideology is the most reasonable explanation
    • 51% of journalists…


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