
  • Created by: beth
  • Created on: 07-12-20 12:06

Spencer and Thomas - news values (11) (T,UA,E,N,N,P,E,F,C,N,C)

New Media - (I,A,A,DD,TC) (5)     Boyle new media characteristics - (C, D, I, DL, D)

Neophiliacs - +, e-commerce, increase interactivity, consumer choice, control, political engagement, revitalise democracy and citizen journalist. 

AO3 - Boyle - speed that has improved not media, inequality

Cultural pessimists : -, inequality, not so new, media conglomerates, decline in democracy, speed is new

Media use and control

Digital divide in underclass. 

Users - teens, wealthy, western nonusers - elderly, wc, developing countries 

Ownership and control 


- Althusser - wc reflect isa on wc

- wc control the media which benefits themselves - secondary socialisation, select news which supports them 

- we don’t really have choice, as it’s owned by RC, 



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