Mass Transport in Plants


Mass Transport in Plants


  • Why do plants need water?
    • fills vacuole and makes cells turgid so plant is supported
    • reactant in photosynthesis
    • required for hydrolysis reactions
    • transport medium for ions from roots to leaves
    • solvent
  • Why do plants need sucrose?
    • in growing areas sucrose is hydrolysed to glucose so can be used in respiration or converted to cellulose
    • sucrose is condensed to starch for storage in storage organs
    • transports better than glucose as it is less reactive so less likely to be used up along the way

Transport in Xylem Vessels:

  • Overview -
    • xylem vessels transport water and dissolved ions from the roots up through the stem and leaves of the plant
    • end walls are broken down into dead tissue to form hollow pipes used to carry water in a continuous, unbroken column
    • vertical cell walls are thickened with lignin to withstand tension
    • lignin is waterproof to keep water inside
  • Cohesion -
    • known as tension theory of water transport
    • transpiration occurs as water evaporates from the leaf mesophyll cells and water vapour diffuses into the air via stomata
    • water is drawn from the xylem vessels, to replace that lost from transpiration
    • water enters the xylem at the roots
    • water molecules are held together by many weak hydrogen bonds, creating cohesion between the water molecules
    • the transpiration  "pull" stretches the column of water molecules as negative presssure is created since it is under tension
    • lignin withstands the tension so as vessels become narrower, the walls do not collapse
    • adhesion of water molecules to walls helps the column remain unbroken and rise upwards
  • Factors


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