


Society is based on class divisions and exploitation

Education system plays key  role in reinforcing class divisions and exploitation 

Althusser,  education is an important ideological state apparatus reproducing and  legitimizing inequality  Class  inequality transmitted between generations by failing each gen of WC pupils  School  legitimizes social class inequality for capitalism by reproducing capitalist  ideologies  True  cause of inequality is therefore hidden  Implies  functions of ideologies are to persuade workers (WC) to accept their  subordinate position (Item L) and see it as deserved and inescapable  If  working class are socialized by schools to accept these ideologies, they are  less likely to challenge them 

Morrow and Torres critique  Marxists for taking class first approach that see class as key inequality and  ignores all other inequality types 

Shows harmful effects  education may have on students and wider society

Radical feminists argue school system doesn’t maintain value consensus

Argue education system transmits norms and values of the patriarchy 

Heaton  and Lawson, believe hidden curriculum taught patriarchal values in schools  Expressed  through traditional family structures shown in gendered stereotypes in  textbooks and gendered subjects and divisions in sports  Languages  and humanities = symbolic for primary socialization within conventional  nuclear family  Girls  become accustomed to unfair and oppressive domestic division of labor,  reduces chances of overthrowing the system of male control  Peer  pressure in subject choice heighten submission girls must undertake from fear  of stigmatization from male peers  Maintain  subordinate position compared to men  Male  gaze, sexual harassment in school demoralizes women System oppresses women  and girls   Ensures  patriarchal ideologies are dominant    

Criticized  by liberal feminists and argue equal opportunity policies, positive role  models and overcoming sexist attitudes and stereotypes means patriarchal  ideas and values are being there to disappear from schools 

Feminist  viewpoint demonstrates how some schools ideas and values disadvantage girls  and women (marxists fail to consider)

Marxists believe capitalist society based on inequalityEducation  system must claim to give everyone an equal opportunity to achieve and  encourage meritocracy 

Bowels  and Gintis,   Myth  of meritocracy aids WC to accept inequality by legitimizing it  Capitalist  ideology explains why inequality is natural and fair  Students  become accustomed to equality  Income,  family and class play instrumental role in achievement  Higher  classes able to maintain privileged position  Implies  higher classes achieved their position through achieving and succeeding in  open and fair competition within school  WC  accept inequality = less likely to overthrow capitalism  WC  fed idea that underachievement is result of material circumstances rather  than capitalism                          

Critics  may argue not all pupils passively accept these…


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