Marxist Theories of Crime


Marxist theories of crime

Marxist sociologists agree with functionalists that social control is essential to keep order.

Marxists say social control benefits the ruling class and works against the interests of the working class.

Gramsci (1971) - neomarxist-  said that Hegemony is used to maintain social control. Institutions such as the legal system, socialise everyine into accepting ruling class ideas.

Marxists say that a capitalist society is 'crimogenic' meaning it leads to crime

  • capitalist society works at the expense of the working class. This can cause poverty, which may force working class people to commit crimes so they can afford to pay rent and buy food. Working class frustration can lead to violence.
  • The constant desire to make more money can also lead to criminal behaviour among professional workers and the ruling class.

Marxists say that the capitalist state passes laws which benefit the Ruling Class

  • According to Marxism, laws arent the will of the people. Theyre a reflection of ruling clas interests.
  • Chambliss and Mankoff (1976) wrote that most laws serve to keep working class people away from the propert and lad of the rich. The ruling class uses the law to protect the private property because capitalist exploitation is built upon it.
  • Snider (1993) argues that legislation regualting large companies is restricted in a capitalist society becuase it could threaten ruling class interests.
  • Pearce (1976) suggested that even the laws which supposedly protect the working class, I.e. health


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