

Human Nature:

Marx criticizes the traditional conception of "human nature" as a species which manifests itself in individuals, instead arguing that the conception of human nature can be determined by the "social relations". Therefore, the whole of human nature is not understood (as in classical philosophy) as permanent and universal: the species-being is always determined in a specific social and historical formation, with some aspects being biological. He believed that humans differ from animals in their productivity levels and in the way they produce their means of substinance.

The state:

Marx believed that there was 3 types of state. Pre-Capitalist (States that haven't yet developed insustry and rely mostly on self substinance, agriculture etc) States in the Capitalist era (Prsent day states in the full throttle of industry, post industrial revolution. HIgh levels of production, development and profit) and finally Post-Capitalist states (states that have abolished Capitalism either through revolution or through proposed models to replace capitalism ie Anarchy or Socialism). Most of the states we know today would be reffered to as Capitalist states by Marx. States whose lifeblood lies in the wheels of industry and the profit this generates. He


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