Marriage and Divorce

  • Created by: riri33
  • Created on: 13-05-19 09:41


Is it the legal ending of a marriage.

Divorce stats are a caution as they do not show the amount of people are separated but not divorced, thiose who live in an empty shell marraige, and that how many marriages were unstable before chnages in law and loss of social stigma.

Reasons for divorce:

Loss of social stigma- Loss of negative judgement for divorce. It was previously expected to stay. Less fear.

Changes in law- The Divorce Law Reform Act 1969- No need for 'matrimonial offence' eg adultery or cruetly. A matrimonial offence used to lead to public scandals. Can divorce after 2 years. The Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949- Finanical aid for cost of divorce.

Rising expectations (Fletcher)- Unrealistic expectations due to media. Proof- Remarriage of divorced people. Equality in roles- childcare and jobs.

Changing attitudes- Women not willing to tolerate abusive or unhappy marriage.

Secularisation (Goode, Gibson)- Declining influence of religious beliefs and institutions. Scientific advancement= recline of religion. Marriage seen as less of a sacred, spiritual union= can be abandoned if failed. Evidence== less than 1/3 of marriages today involve a religious ceremony; only 8% of people go to church on a regular basis=less influence on people. Church has a…


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